Current GOV.UK advice:


Coronavirus (COVID-19) travel

It is illegal to travel abroad for holidays. Follow current COVID-19 rules where you live: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. In England, you must have a permitted reason to travel abroad and complete a declaration form.

Some countries have closed borders, and any country may further restrict travel or bring in new social distancing rules with little warning. Check our advice for all the countries you will visit or transit through.

When you return, follow the rules to enter the UK from abroad (except from Ireland).

For current specific advice and restrictions  for travel to each country see:


Coronavirus (COVID‑19)

Coronavirus restrictions remain in place across the country. In England:

  • Only socialise indoors with people you live with or who are in your support bubble
  • Up to 6 people or 2 households can meet outside
  • Work from home if you can and minimise travel
  • If you have symptoms get a test and stay at home


Other useful links:

Click HERE for advise and guidance from ACAS

Click HERE for Norfolk County Council News page

Click HERE for the Gov.UK guidance

Click HERE for the NHS Overview and advise.

Click HERE for the NHS 111 Covid-19 Online service.

Click HERE for Current number for COVID-19.

Staying at home in accordance with the corona-virus (COVID-19) advice can cause anxiety for anyone experiencing or feeling at risk of domestic abuse. There is no excuse for abuse. If you’re worried or suspect that someone you know, including a colleague, may be a victim of domestic abuse, you can get more information here:

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Broadland Guarding Services Ltd
Delta House
Vulcan Road North

Fax: 01603 484 969


Broadland Guarding Services Limited

Telephone calls may be recorded for security and used for training purposes. Broadland Guarding Services Ltd

holds SIA approved contractor status for the provision of Security Guarding, Key Holding and CCTV (PSS) services

Registered Office: Delta House, Vulcan Road North, Norwich, NR6 6AQ. Registered No. 2451084 VAT No. 552 7501 50.

Registered in England

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