The BCP Control Room Team does it again!

Exceptional work by the team at BCP (formally Bournemouth) CCTV control room.

I want to congratulate the team at BCP for their professionalism and dedication to public safety.  Their skills were again superbly demonstrated during an incident which as described by police “caused a considerable amount of community tension”.

In November 2019 Bournemouth town experienced a case of violent stranger rape.  The CCTV control room’s contribution to the investigation and conviction of an individual for this crime resulted in him receiving 16 years imprisonment.  The control room CCTV operator’s “initial and quick time CCTV response and review by the operator was pivotal to the progress of the investigation”.

This is another example of the team’s consistent commitment to keeping the public safe.

I want to congratulate and thank the team for their outstanding work.

Robb Eldridge

General Manager

Broadland Guarding Services

Below is a link to the local paper article: